We believe that scientific knowledge is the driving force of every successful society. The mission of the Neuron Foundation is to increase the prestige of scientists within the Czech Republic, develop a network of modern patronage and to popularize science.

New Experiences Await: Launching Exchange Internships between Czechia and Israel

New Experiences Await: Launching Exchange Internships between Czechia and Israel

Travel for two months to Israel or Czechia and discover a new approach to science. The Neuron Foundation and IOCB Tech are opening a new year of the Czech-Israeli Innovation Internship program. This year offers a unique opportunity for both Czech and Israeli students: internships will run simultaneously, with Czech students going to Israel and Israeli students coming to Czechia.

Czech-Israeli Innovation Internships 2024

Czech-Israeli Innovation Internships 2024

The Neuron Foundation and the IOCB Tech Foundation are opening a call for applications for a one month internship for five leading Israeli PhD students to visit the Czech Republic. The Third Year of the Czech-Israeli Innovation Internships program is open in following top notch facilities in the Czech Republic. Apply until the deadline on the 10th April 2024.

Neuron Club discussed in ORLEN UniCRE in Litvínov

Neuron Club discussed in ORLEN UniCRE in Litvínov


million Czech crowns paid in support of Czech science


scientists awarded since 2009


years championing science and research


scientific expeditions worth 4.5 million Czech crowns


We award the Neuron prizes to the best scientists in the Czech Republic across seven scientific disciplines.
Get acquainted with the winners of individual fields or years:




Social sciences


Computer science


Connecting Science and Business


We thank all our patrons for their generous support of Czech science

Eduard Kučera

Eduard Kučera

"Every year from the company revenue we try to provide a part to the charity."

Co-founder of the company Avast

Libor Winkler

Libor Winkler

"Without money, science cannot be done. If we want to succeed in world of competition,science is the base. I see my support as support of our future."

Chairman of the Board of Directors of RSJ

Václav Dejčmar

Václav Dejčmar

"Thanks to science, we can cross the boundaries of the known and embark on a journey into the unknown."

Co-owner of RSJ company

Dalibor Dědek

Dalibor Dědek

"I believe that money should be used above all to raise us as a society. It is important to show the way."

Co-owner of Jablotron company

Jaroslav Řasa

Jaroslav Řasa

" Society should see science as a key source of development. Our country can only export skills."

Co-founder of ABRA Software company

Ondřej Bartoš

Ondřej Bartoš

What key feature do you think leads to business success? "Courage. And then of course luck."

Investor from Credo Ventures company

Ondřej  Fryc

Ondřej Fryc

"I am very pleased that there are platforms, such as the Neuron, that help with both funding and the popularization of the work of Czech scientists."

Reflex Capital investor

Jan Hammer

Jan Hammer

"What was new yesterday is becoming mainstream."

Investor and partner of the Index Ventures fund

Jakub Havrlant

Jakub Havrlant

"I see the potential to step outside the Czech Republic and succeed in the world with Czech scientists, so I decided to support the Neuron E.F.."

CEO of Rockaway Capital

Francesca Kolowrat

Francesca Kolowrat

"Our society has the opportunity to change for the better, science will help."


Josef Průša

Josef Průša

"I'm not in business for money, I want to do what I love."

Founder of Prusa Research

Barbara Paldus

Barbara Paldus

"Inventions are meant to serve people. If they stay in a book, they don't help anyone."

Science Transfer Ambassador, owner of Codex Beauty

We are proud of those, who have the courage to change the future.

Become a patron

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