
Kateřina Rohlenová

Mgr. Kateřina Rohlenová, Ph.D.

Neuron Award 2023 for Promising Scientists in medicine

Neuron Award 2023 for Promising Scientists in medicine. Awarded for groundbreaking research on metabolic communication between healthy and cancerous cells

Jan Starý

prof. MUDr. Jan Starý, DrSc.

Neuron Prize 2022 in medicine

World renowned paediatric haematologist and oncologist

Martina Živná

Mgr. Martina Živná, Ph.D.

Neuron Prize 2022 for Promising Scientists in medicine

For finding the genetic cause of hereditary kidney disease

Michal Šimíček

RNDr. Michal Šimíček, Ph.D.

Neuron Award Laureate for Young Scientists 2019 - Medicine

Marek Mráz

doc. MUDr. Mgr. Marek Mráz, PhD.

Neuron Award Laureate for Young Scientists 2018 - Medicine

Otto  Hrodek

prof. MUDr. Otto Hrodek, DrSc.

Laureate Neuron Prize for Lifelong Contribution to Science 2017 – Medicine

Tomáš Koblas

RNDr. Tomáš Koblas, Ph.D.

Bearer Neuron Impuls 2017 – Medicine

Dáša Bohačiaková (Doležalová)

Mgr. Dáša Bohačiaková (Doležalová), Ph.D.

Bearer Neuron Impuls 2017 – Medicine

Helena Fulková

Mgr. Helena Fulková, Ph.D.

Neuron Award Laureate for Young Scientists 2016 - Medicine

Zuzana Holubcová

PharmDr. Zuzana Holubcová, Ph.D.

Bearer Neuron Impuls 2016 – Medicine

Milan Šamánek

prof. MUDr. Milan Šamánek, DrSc., FESC

Laureate Neuron Prize for Lifelong Contribution to Science 2016 – Medicine

Jaroslav Hrabák

doc. Ing. Jaroslav Hrabák, PhD.

Neuron Award Laureate for Young Scientists 2015 - Medicine

Jana Dobrovolná

RNDr. Jana Dobrovolná, PhD.

Bearer Neuron Impuls 2015 – Medicine

Josef Koutecký

prof. MUDr. Josef Koutecký, DrSc.

Laureate Neuron Prize for Lifelong Contribution to Science 2015 – Medicine

Bohdan Pomahač

dr. Bohdan Pomahač, M. D.

Laureate Neuron Prize for Lifelong Contribution to Science 2014 – Medicine

Petr Svoboda

doc. Mgr. Petr Svoboda, Ph.D.

Neuron Award Laureate for Young Scientists 2014 - Medicine

Zuzana Libá

MUDr. Zuzana Libá, Ph.D.

Bearer Neuron Impuls 2014 – Medicine

Jiří J. Vítek

prof. Jiří J. Vítek, MD, Ph.D.

Laureate Neuron Prize for Lifelong Contribution to Science 2013 – Medicine

Vladimír Scholtz

doc. Ing. Vladimír Scholtz, Ph.D.

Bearer Neuron Impuls 2013 – Medicine

František Štěpánek

prof. Ing. František Štěpánek, Ph.D.

Bearer Neuron Impuls 2013 – Medicine

Marek Malík

prof. RNDr. MUDr. Marek Malík, DrSc.

Laureate Neuron Prize for Lifelong Contribution to Science 2012 – Medicine

Radek Špíšek

prof. MUDr. Radek Špíšek, PhD.

Neuron Award Laureate for Young Scientists 2012 - Medicine

Přemysl Jiruška

doc. MUDr. Přemysl Jiruška, PhD.

Bearer Neuron Impuls 2012 – Medicine

Tomáš Klíma

prof. MUDr. Tomáš Klíma, M.D., Ph.D.

Laureate Neuron Prize for Lifelong Contribution to Science 2011 – Medicine

Jan Zuna

doc. MUDr. Jan Zuna, PhD.

Neuron Award Laureate for Young Scientists 2011 - Medicine

Karel Vališ

Mgr. Karel Vališ, PhD.

Bearer Neuron Impuls 2011 – Medicine

Jiří Bartek

prof. MUDr. Jiří Bartek, DrSc., dr. h. c. mult.

Laureate Neuron Prize for Lifelong Contribution to Science 2010 – Medicine

Martin Matějovič

prof. MUDr. Martin Matějovič, PhD.

Neuron Award Laureate for Young Scientists 2010 - Medicine

Michal Pakoš

Mgr. Michal Pakoš, PhD.

Neuron Award Laureate for Young Scientists 2010 - Medicine

Josef Prchal

prof. MUDr. Josef Prchal, DrSc.

Laureate of the 2021 Neuron Prize for Lifelong Contribution to Science in the field of biology and medicine

For the contribution to the world of haematology and the description of the breakthrough phenomena usable in biomedicine

Jitka Palich Fučíková

doc. PharmDr. Jitka Palich Fučíková, Ph.D.

Laureate of the 2021 Neuron Prize for promising young scientists in the field of medicine

For research into the field of tumour immunology and immunotherapy of cancer

Cyril Höschl

Prof. MUDr. Cyril Höschl, DrSc. FRCPsych.

The Neuron Prize 2024 for Lifetime Achievement in Science in the Field of Medicine.

"I tried to convey to people that psychiatric patients—except for rare cases—don’t bite or murder. To some extent, it seems I’ve succeeded, but you still need to keep blowing on that flame," says Cyril Höschl, one of the most prominent figures in European psychiatry.

Martina  Benešová Schäfer

Dr. rer. nat. Martina Benešová Schäfer, Ph.D.

Recipient of the Neuron Award for Promising Scientists in the Field of Medicine

Dr. rer. nat. Martina Benešová-Schäfer played a key role in the development of a radiopharmaceutical that aids prostate cancer patients worldwide.